

VSoft Collection: Use in Traditional Court Proceedings

VSoft Collection has been designed to support users in conducting electronic court proceedings. The system also offers functions that greatly facilitate the handling of traditional processes: court and enforcement. Find out how process automation can streamline the daily work of those responsible for overseeing court proceedings.

The finance revolution of the Young Generation. Trends and changes in banking

In recent years, we have been observing a dynamic evolution in the world of finance, especially in the context of the young generation. In this article, we decided to share our observations on the latest trends and changes in banking and how technology is revolutionizing the approach to finance.

VSoft is an effective and long-term business partner

An interview with Jakub Głąb and Łukasz Kawulok, Vice Presidents of the Board at VSoft. The interview was conducted by the editorial team of Puls Biznesu as part of the publication of the “Gazele Biznesu” ranking, in which VSoft is a laureate.

Modern online processes in banking based on the workflow system

In today’s dynamic reality of banking, a key aspect of the effective functioning of financial institutions is the consistent adaptation to advancing digitization. Modern technologies and innovative applications have become an integral part of daily banking operations, and the key to success lies not only in their implementation but also in adeptly adapting to the changing needs of customers. Regardless of location or device used, customers expect smooth, personalized, and online-accessible processes. In this context, a significant tool is the workflow system, which not only enables coordinated workflow but also introduces automation, streamlining key banking processes.

Inter-sector information exchange and customer education are the most effective anti-fraud measures

Credit fraud is one of the main risks that financial institutions face daily. With the dynamic development of remote transaction channels, the threat from cybercriminals using increasingly sophisticated and refined fraudulent techniques is growing. The question arises, which of these techniques become particularly significant today, in the era of the triumphant march of artificial intelligence?

Insurance Product Management

In our last blog post, we wrote about the API, sales processes and the Insurance System, which can be a product engine for other systems. We would like to elaborate on the latter, related to the product engine, focusing on insurance product management. We will start by defining what an insurance product is.

Expand insurance market: How to transform an insurance multi-agency into an industry leader?

In today's digital age, the applications we use every day process huge amounts of data, providing us with the data we need at any given moment. Regardless of how and where this information comes from, our main focus is on its effect - the fact that it is available. End-user expectations focus on ergonomic use of applications, ease of access to relevant information, speed of operation and an attractive design. Building a suitable graphical interface that is used by many users is undoubtedly an interesting challenge. However, it is more important to construct it in such a way that it provides the right information to the user, and in a way that allows our solution to be fully integrated with other systems.

How can technology support enforcement processes? Advantages of using VSoft KO Connector

Technology helps streamline and automate a lot of the tasks that, until recently, were performed manually by employees, increasing the efficiency of the organisation and reducing the amount of repetitive work. Technology may also support enforcement processes, considered to be lengthy and tedious, by reducing the amount of manual work and allowing staff to fully focus on ensuring that these processes are highly efficient.

Technological trends in debt collection

Change is a hallmark of our times. Although it might seem that we are accustomed to dynamically changing conditions and have the ability to adapt quickly, modern realities force organisations to be even more flexible. This trend is particularly evident in the debt collection industry, which is evolving strongly, making the technological perspective in this sector increasingly interesting. Automating debt collection processes nowadays is the order of the day, which translates into the quality of customer service and its improvement. Automation and robotisation, communication, digitization of courts, AI, scoring or data analytics ensure not only faster decision-making, but also the selection of an individual strategy tailored to a particular client.

Compiling electronic documents with VSoft Mobile Workforce

Is it a good idea to compile business and significant information in mobile apps? How are they secured? How to properly compile documents while working in the field? The VSoft Mobile Workforce application provides answers to these questions and shows how to complete documents in a secure yet convenient way.

The influence of technology on the quality of customer service in field debt collection

Nowadays, specialised IT systems prove to be an invaluable aid in almost every industry. It is no different when it comes to carrying out the duties of a field debt collector. Debt collection companies frequently face the question of how to streamline the management processes in their company. At the same time, they are looking for solutions that will not generate huge costs but will effectively improve the quality of work. In this article, we outline the responsibilities of a debt collector, as well as the benefits of choosing to use our application at work.

Sales of insurance as well as motor and property products by leasing companies

Leasing companies are increasingly offering insurance products. In order to keep up with the growing demands of customers, insurance departments, including those at leasing companies, are seeking new and innovative solutions aimed at facilitating service and working with clients. It is worth noting here that an attractively priced and timely offer is only part of the process. Leaseholders, when looking for the right terms for themselves, often expect an equally comprehensive, fast and hassle-free service once the contract has been concluded. This poses a challenge for the company to ensure that, at every stage of contract processing, everything is organised and performed right away. It turns out that properly structured systems for the insurance industry can be the key to success in such situations.

VSoft e-Court Collection – how about automating the communication of the debt collection system with the e-court?

Does your debt collection system generate a lot of lawsuits for payment every month? What about filing them en masse, without having to print them out, attach evidence documents, pack everything in envelopes and send it all over the country? It would be so much easier to file all lawsuits with one court! Finally, and perhaps most importantly – what if there was the possibility of paying a 4 times smaller court fee for a lawsuit? There is a way to do all this! We are talking about Electronic Writ of Payment Proceedings (EPU) conducted on a mass scale by the e-Court based in Lublin. To take advantage of the above advantages of EPU, all you need to do is file electronic lawsuits manually, directly on the e-Court...

A fast and secure credit process requires advanced tools

Financial monthly “BANK”: today’s consumer is highly demanding, expecting at the same time security, convenience and 24-hour availability of banking services. How to create the tools responsible for credit processes to be able to meet both the customer’s expectations and the regulatory requirements?

Credit systems and the central system in Banks

Credit systems can be presented as a set of solutions supporting the assessment of customers, transactions and risk when making decisions whether to enter into a contract or its further course. Examples of such solutions are our VSoft Credit and VSoft Rating products. In addition, systems responsible for credit processes can connect to other systems to deepen the analysis or provide added value to the assessment, e.g. using VSoft Connectors. Where is the central system in all this? Were does its name come from? What is it and what tasks does it perform? You will find it all out in the article below

Transaction rating evaluation

The proper functioning of the company on the market and the achievement of its business goals requires access to financial resources. Very often, the lack of financial liquidity contributes to delays in paying off liabilities and debts and, in extreme cases, may even lead to the bankruptcy of the company. Among the many available sources of business financing, one form is external financing in the form of short- or long-term loans. Other forms of financing, such as leasing or factoring, are also possible. Another method of raising capital for new investments and company development may lay in issue of debt securities, e.g. in the form of corporate bonds. However, each of the above-mentioned forms of financing requires a detailed risk assessment of such a transaction. Such an assessment...