VSoft e-Court Collection – comprehensive support for communication with the e-Court platform

średnich firm
dużych firm
Advantages of VSoft e-Court Collection
Thanks to easy integration with external systems, bulk import and export of data is possible, and this allows to automate numerous manual steps, reduce costs and shorten the time required for proceedings.
The solution centralizes information on cases conducted in e-Court, which translates into uniform and consistent handling of cases and increased security of access to data.
Additional advantages of implementing VSoft e-Court Collection:
- increasing the volume of debt collection cases handled,
- increasing control over court and enforcement proceedings,
- reducing legal proceedings costs,
- transferring standardized business data without the necessity to know restrictions and tricks of the EPU API,
- concealing unavailability of the EPU caused by failure or implementation work,
- minimizing the need for plenipotentiaries to log into the EPU,
- control over the number of cases in a packet and the maximum fee per packet of lawsuits,
- a secure and closed channel for personal and sensitive data, compliant with GDPR,
- automatic download of relevant data from the technical XML form of court decisions,
- downloading the database of bailiffs – automatic update based on data from the e-Court,
- storing the history of the sent packets of lawsuits.

VSoft e-Court Collection functionalities
Importing data from source systems
VSoft e-Court Collection masowo importuje dane z systemów źródłowych, np. systemu wsparcia windykacji, do aplikacji, które dotyczą: pozwów, wniosków i pism procesowych. Import ten pozwala na wygenerowanie pozwów EPU, wniosków egzekucyjnych oraz pism procesowych do EPU.
Exporting data to source systems (e.g., debt collection systems)
Transferring data to the e-Court
Transferring data from the VeCC system to the e-Court system in terms of: packets of lawsuits, packets of enforcement requests, packets of pleadings.
When the e-Court platform is temporarily unavailable, the system automatically retries the dispatch. When detecting an error for a single document in an packet, e-Court rejects the entire package. In such a situation, VeCC automatically “repacks” the remaining documents into a new packet and files it with the e-Court so as not to withhold them. Information is then returned to the source system, along with a description of the error for that one document, and the source system can prepare it again.
Downloading data from the e-Court
Automatic processing
The application of VSoft e-Court Collection
Debt collection agencies
VSoft e-Court Collection is a connector readily used by debt collection agencies to execute debt collection processes more efficiently.
The data downloaded from the connector can be used by the collection system to:
- automatically register EPU orders and rulings in the system, with a specific case,
- notify the system user about the occurrence of a ruling of a specific type (according to the action code from the EPU) or an order,
- refer cases to the appropriate lists of cases to be handled, e.g., by decision code of the ruling,
- present the user with the contents of the rulings, without having to browse through the pleadings on the EPU website,
- automatically or semi-automatically generate a request for execution upon receipt of information about the validity of the order,
- create alerts for the user about the expiration of pleadings (e.g., 7 days have passed from the date of issuance or delivery of a ruling for the case).

Additional materials

VSoft e-court collection - what if we automated the communication between the debt collection system and e-court?

Choosing a debt collection system - a universal product or a tailor-made solution?

Technological trends in debt collection

Electrifying the digitalization of debt collection processes
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