Workshops and training

Gain new skills and expand your knowledge in the technology industry together with VSoft!

The workshops and training courses we organise are an excellent opportunity to develop competences, as well as to learn about the latest trends and technologies.

Our experts willingly share their experience and prompt the direction in which to develop.

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Selected workshops and training

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VSoft archITekt

Automating mass mailings: How to create efficient processes for documents and emails

Online | Workshops completed | 240 min

Join us for a hands-on workshop on the low-code platform archITekt, where participants will gain key competences in automating data import, generating documents and configuring mailings. This is a unique opportunity to learn how to effectively manage data and automate processes in your organisation in a short period of time.

VSoft archITekt

Independent development and modification of time recording application

Online | Workshops completed | 240 min

At the workshop, we worked on a ready-made timekeeping application created on the low-code VSoft archITekt platform. We discussed how to easily create such an application and modified it together. During the workshop, we added various functionalities, including forms, lists, dictionaries, data structures. In addition, we also built a mechanism for importing data from an Excel file.

The extent of modifications depended on the technological level of the group.

Tworzenie aplikacji do rozliczania prowizji od sprzedaży z wykorzystaniem modułu algorytmów

VSoft archITekt

Creating an application for calculating sales commission using algorithm module

Online | Workshops completed | 240 min

This time, we will jointly create a simple application for calculating sales commission for employees using an algorithm module. We will focus on discussing the main purpose of the application and understanding the algorithm and its operation mechanism. The commission will be calculated based on the number of sold products, their type, the employee’s position, and turnover. All of this will be done under the watchful eye and with the help of VSoft experts. VSoft archITekt.

Budowa aplikacji do rozliczania budżetów w technologii low-code archITekt

VSoft archITekt

Building an application for budget accounting in archITekt low-code technology

Online | Workshops completed | 240 min

Another edition of the workshop is ahead of us. This time we will show you how to build a simple application that enables comprehensive settlement of budgets. You will learn a number of archITekt Studio functionalities and their practical application. We will teach you how to create mechanisms for sending and approving the budget, monitoring its use and mass importing data from Excel files.

VSoft archITekt

Data processing using a low-code platform on the example of a stocktaking application

Online | Workshops completed | 240 min

The workshops focused on the practical side of data processing using a low-code platform. Participants got to know the platform by creating an application to handle stocktaking of warehouse inventory and generate appropriate orders.

To this end, we defined the data required for the work and the method of processing them. During the workshops, we also prepared forms and lists used to present calculation summaries. We created  an order document template, automatically filled in with the relevant data.

Finally, participants learnt about additional capabilities of the archITtekt platform in terms of processing data and using them to expand the application.

Podatki lokalne w praktyce – warsztaty z wykorzystaniem platformy VSoft RET​


Local taxes in practice- workshops using the VSoft RET platform

Online | Workshops completed | 120 min

The workshops were dedicated to all owners of properties scattered over various municipalities, who often struggle with the settlement of local taxes.

During the practical workshops, in which we made sample settlements together, the participants could see how they cope with the most common difficulties faced when filling in the declaration manually. With the right tool, they can do this easily and conveniently.

Tworzenie aplikacji w technologii low-code: Proces obsługi reklamacji

VSoft archITekt

Low-code application development: Complaint handling process

Online | Workshops completed | 240 min

During the workshops, we jointly developed an application to handle complaints. We defined the necessary data, decision-making logic and prepared the forms used within the workflow. Participants also learned about the possibility of managing the statuses of the process, as well as dealing with its individual steps.

Moreover, participants were familiarised with the functionality of monitoring built processes, which can be useful, among other things, in auditing processes, both currently ongoing and historical.

Jak samodzielnie tworzyć aplikacje do generowania dokumentów bez pisania kodu

VSoft archITekt

How to create apps to generate documents without writing code

Online | Workshops completed | 120 min

Workshop participants worked on an application to generate documents such as contracts, statements and summaries. Assuming the emergence of a new requirement in the future – the need to add more records to some of the content – the application was expanded to include additional functions to manage the creation of documents.

We also discussed the various options for making the generated document available to its users.

Jak, wykorzystując nowoczesne technologie, można łatwo tworzyć i rozbudowywać aplikację do zarządzania umowami i zestawieniami

VSoft archITekt

How, using modern technology, a contract and statement management application can be easily created and extended

Online | Workshops completed | 120 min

The low-code archITekt platform allows to build customised applications using a graphical interface in place of programming languages.

During the workshops, we looked at one of its numerous possible usages – an application to generate documents such as contracts, statements and summaries. Participants extended it with additional elements that influence the content of the final generated document.

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