The new version of the AMRON System is one of the topics of the 19th Residential Real Estate Financing Congress

Nowa wersja systemu AMRON XIX kongres finansowania nieruchomości mieszkaniowych

As long-term partners in the banking sector, we know very well how many challenges the modern market poses to banks. In particular, we see the need for continuous technological improvement in the area of servicing mortgage loans. We are all the more pleased that we could be the General Partner of the 19th Congress of Financing Residential Real Estate and, together with the AMRON Center, announce work on a new version of the AMRON III System.

The Real Estate Market Analysis and Monitoring System (AMRON) is the only interbank, standardized database in Poland on real estate and its prices and values. The advantage of this solution is a comprehensive range of data, which includes information on e.g. characteristics of real estate, their location, as well as data on transaction prices from notarial deeds, valuation values, etc.

The huge spectrum of data in the system makes it a valuable source for many state and commercial institutions dealing with the analysis of the real estate market.

Work on the new version of the AMRON III application has begun and soon the system’s customers will be able to enjoy a completely new, transparent user interface. The system will also gain a new approach to analytical reports, which will be created with the use of advanced algorithms, as well as it will be possible to integrate with the system through dedicated APIs or file interfaces. It is worth mentioning that AMRON is a user-friendly online application, thanks to which its implementation does not require any additional technical effort.

We will inform you about further novelties as the work progresses, but we are already convinced that the beneficiaries of this system will significantly improve the customer service process. If you are interested in the new version of the system, please contact Jakub Głąb and Łukasz Kawulok, as well as Agnieszka Gołębiowska-Cwenk, a representative of the AMRON Centre.