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With deep regret and sadness, we say farewell to the President and Co-founder of VSoft SA – Dariusz Kożuch

Z głębokim żalem i smutkiem żegnamy Prezesa i Współzałożyciela firmy VSoft SA – Dariusza Kożucha

With deep regret and sadness, we say farewell to the President and Co-founder of VSoft SA – Dariusz Kożuch.


We regret to inform you that on August 8, 2021 Dariusz Kożuch, the Co-founder and long-term President of VSoft SA, died as a result of a tragic accident. An extraordinary person has passed away – a wonderful co-worker, but most of all an outgoing person, full of passion and empathy. He will be remembered for his extraordinary sincerity, daily support and serenity that accompanied him.

Darku, thank you for every kind word, help given, incredible faith in people, inspiration and constant horizon broadening.

United in pain, we express our heartfelt condolences to Dariusz’s family, friends and relatives.

Marcin Wierzbik and employees of VSoft SA